The City of Los Angeles Street Lighting system consists of over 223K streetlights. Our field crews respond to over 45,000 repairs annually, which may include physical failures, damages, and vandalism.
The lighting network is managed through a comprehensive Asset Management System (AMS). The system integrates a GIS mapping system that shows all the streetlights in the City with their associated circuitry, history of installation to maintenance, and any items attached to the pole. This System is used in coordination with the City’s 311 system (including MyLA 311 App) to report streetlight outages which are forwarded directly to our field operations for crew assignment.
The City’s Street Lighting System is LED light technology, which is internet capable and extremely energy efficient. In 2010, we transformed our system utilizing Remote Monitoring Units (RMU) or Smart Nodes, which connect directly to the top of streetlights and transmit data via (LTE-M) cellular-based IoT networks similar to cell phones. Smart nodes enable the ability to control the light remotely, to schedule on/off, customized lighting and dim “lighting” levels, and report energy usage. These smart nodes are part of an advanced, interconnected network that provide real-time street light status including outages notification and failure indicators. This smart lighting system reduces maintenance costs, conserves energy, and boosts overall operational efficiencies. Currently, there are 37K smart [nodes] lights operational of the City’s streetlights. LA Lights will continue network expansion to achieve a fully adaptive smart lighting network of the future.

In 2020 the Bureau of Street Lighting hosted a professional competition to develop a new standard design for the L.A. Street Light emblematic of 21st-century Los Angeles.
Learn about the competition and winner at: L.A. LIGHTS THE WAY