Our field crews respond to over 45,000 repairs annually, which may include physical failures, damages, and vandalism. Repairs are managed through our Asset Management System (AMS). The AMS is coordinated with the City’s 311 system and popular MyLA 311 App to report streetlight outages which are forwarded directly to our field operations for crew assignment.
To report a streetlight outage, please follow the steps below.
Issues with Utilitarian Lights (lights on wooden utility poles) please reach out to LADWP 1-800-342-5397.
Issues with Traffic Signals please reach out to LADOT at ladot@lacity.org
For all other streetlighting issues NOT related to a streetlight outage, please click on the following link and fill out the form Contact LA Bureau of Street Lighting (lacity.org)
1) Click on the MyLA311 link MyLA311
3) Click on button "Problems & Repairs"
4) Click on either "Multiple Streetlight Issue" OR "Single Streetlight Issue"