LA Lights participated in the Voluntary Local Review to highlight the work being done on the City’s Sustainable Development Goals.
LED Streetlight Replacement Program 2021 Totals:
2021 Energy Savings 64.5%
Energy Savings Annually $10.6M
Energy Savings 119 GWh (gigawatt-hours)
CO2 Reduction 70,708 MT (metric tons)
The City’s Street Lighting System is 98% LED technology, which yields annual energy savings 114-gigawatt hours (GWh).7 The Bureau continues to explore clean energy options and behind-the meter (BTM) or off-grid solutions that are self-sustaining and do not require grid electrification. This includes our solar lights technology, which generates energy via sunlight with energy storage through the built-in batteries, or can even connect directly back into the electric grid.
- Solar Streetlights
- Solar to grid installations
Streetlight EV Charger Program 2020 Totals:
Streetlight EV Chargers: 417 installed YTD
In coordination with the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP), Streetlight EV Chargers will be included in their Demand Response Program. Under this program, EV Chargers will be turned off (stop charging) to reduce the energy load at times of peak demand to relieve stress on the power grid. The program runs annually from June 15th through October 15th.